Problems Installing Catalina

Wargame red dragon ash and shadows mod. This is where you choose where you want to install Catalina. If you’re installing Catalina on a computer that has never been turned into a Hackintosh before (i.e. Doesn’t already have Mojave, High Sierra, Sierra, or El Capitan installed), there won’t be any hard disk options to select. We’ll have to fix that. For example, if your Mac came with macOS Big Sur, it will not accept installation of macOS Catalina or earlier. If a macOS can't be used on your Mac, the App Store or installer will let you know. For example, it might say that it's not compatible with this device or is too old to be opened on this version of macOS.



To install Rational Performance Tester (RPT) via IBM Installation Manager (IM), the RPT_SETUP archive file is downloaded and extracted first in order to install IM.
Running in Finder from the RPT_SETUP/InstallerImage_macosx_cocoa_x86_64 folder, as showing in the following screen capture:
An error message is displayed:
This problem is not limited to RPT only, but also applies to other products that use IM for installation.


The macOS Catalina security restrictions prevent applications not notarized with Apple from installing; the IM files are not notarized and are thus not trusted by Catalina.

Resolving The Problem

Since the problem was found during IM installation for RPT, RPT folder names are used here. But this solution works for IM in general.
To resolve this problem:
  1. If you have the IM installer files in a macOS folder like Downloads or Documents, move them to a folder that you created manually in a non-special location, like the root of your home directory (for example: ~/installers).
  2. Open the Terminal application.
  3. cd to the RPT_SETUP directory.
  4. Run the command: sudo xattr -rcs .
    This command removes the extended attributes for all the files under the current directory. Some of these attributes are preventing the installation. Since these attributes are not required for the installation, it is safe to remove all of them.
  5. Enter your sudo password.
    This screen capture shows the previous steps:
  6. Verify that all metadata was stripped by using this command:
    sudo xattr -lr .
    This command returns no output if the metadata was successfully stripped. If there is output, that means all metadata was not stripped. Do not proceed to the next step until all metadata is stripped.
  7. Go back to Finder and run
  8. IM now starts and you can proceed with the installation.

Problems Installing Catalina 10.15.6


Document Location

Can't Install Catalina

[{'Business Unit':{'code':'BU053','label':'Cloud & Data Platform'},'Product':{'code':'SSMMM5','label':'Rational Performance Tester'},'ARM Category':[{'code':'a8m0z000000boDYAAY','label':'Performance Tester->Installation'}],'ARM Case Number':','Platform':[{'code':'PF017','label':'Mac OS'}],'Version':'All Version(s)','Line of Business':{'code':'LOB36','label':'IBM Automation'}},{'Business Unit':{'code':null,'label':null},'Product':{'code':'SSDV2W','label':'IBM Installation Manager'},'ARM Category':[],'Platform':[{'code':'PF025','label':'Platform Independent'}],'Version':'All Version(s)','Line of Business':{'code':','label':'}},{'Business Unit':{'code':'BU053','label':'Cloud & Data Platform'},'Product':{'code':'SSJMXE','label':'Rational Functional Tester'},'ARM Category':[{'code':'a8m0z000000boBcAAI','label':'Functional Tester->Installation'}],'Platform':[{'code':'PF017','label':'Mac OS'}],'Version':'All Version(s)','Line of Business':{'code':'LOB36','label':'IBM Automation'}},{'Business Unit':{'code':'BU053','label':'Cloud & Data Platform'},'Product':{'code':'SSBLQQ','label':'Rational Test Workbench'},'ARM Category':[{'code':'a8m0z000000boDTAAY','label':'Integration Tester->Installation'}],'Platform':[{'code':'PF017','label':'Mac OS'}],'Version':'All Version(s)','Line of Business':{'code':'LOB36','label':'IBM Automation'}}]

Document Information

Modified date:
19 March 2021